Wedding rings, gold by Isabella Hund
For all those who dare to take the plunge
It’s a promise, an act of faith and a statement: the wedding ring.
And although relatively small in size, it stands for grand emotions like no other piece of jewelry. For the start of a special intimacy. For the willingness to give, to take and to share. What can a promise like this look like? Here a few examples. And, of course, we are happy to offer you a personal consultation.
Wedding rings Swing, gold, diamonds by Angela Hübel
Wedding rings, white gold, brilliant by Isabella Hund
Wedding rings, gold by Isabella Hund
Wedding rings Dopio, white gold, gold, diamonds by Angela Hübel
Wedding rings, white gold, diamonds by Isabella Hund
Wedding rings, white gold, gold by Isabella Hund
Wedding rings, gold by Batho Gündra
Wedding rings white gold, gold by Angela Hübel
Wedding rings, rose gold, diamond by Isabella Hund